Monday, August 31, 2009

A little break

While the Beau has been back from College I have been spending every moment I can with him.  It was so lovely to sleep next to him again and to have someone make me cups of tea.

While he was here we had picnics and cocktail parties and went to the football but most importantly we went to the 50s fair at Rose Sidler House.  Unfortunately I did not get a photo of us together and I didn't get to wear the dress that I began making because my lovely machine broke!  It was almost finished but not quite. 

Here is what it is supposed to look like.

This is how far I got (hadn't done the binding or fastenings etc) - but it fit!

Here is my helper. Coco

And again, helping me to cut out the pattern.

Now I did not plan a back-up outfit despite my terrible track record with finishing dresses on time, so this as put together the morning of the Fair.  The jacket is the only Vintage item here.  But the dress was light and had a full skirt and a happy pattern so I think it kind of works.  

There were some really great outfits that would have taken a age to put together and some amazing hair.  I am too shy to ask people to pose for me but my step-father came and he is a photographer so I'm sure he got some great shots that I will post.  There was also bands dancing, stalls, a hairdresser and of course the house.  We got some things that I will post after they have been cleaned.

I have since learnt that you can visit the house any Sunday so I might go again soon.  It was so crowded that it was hard to get a feel for what it would have been like to live there (it is on a large block surrounded by natural bush land).

Cheers.  Our picnic in the National Park.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Pumpkin

The Pumpkin is my baby.  Her real name is Coco, but due to her colour she gets Pumpkin.

My Mum bought her for me when U was living alone as she said "it's nice to come home to a "live" thing".  I thought it was a funny thing to say at the time
 but since then Coco has become an integral part of my life.  
Every time I open the door she is there to say hello.  She sleeps with me, calms me down, comforts me, drives me insane and follows me around all the time.

I guess it is like having a child in some ways (not that I have one).  

She is at the vet today with Dr Peter and is having an operation.   I cannot go and get her for another 3 hours and 15 minutes.  I know she will be ok but I can't stop thinking of her so I've picked the photos I have of her that  show her personality the best.

Coco in the washing basket - making it impossible for me to finish hanging out the washing.

Here is Coco in a basket that now keeps all her junk.  Whenever there is a box or bag (or basket) she will crawl in and go to sleep.

Here she is on the dining table watching someone in the kitchen, hoping that they will find where her crunchies are kept and feed her.  I had forgotten about those lovely carnations.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weekend Plans

Good morning,

This weekend is shaping up to be super busy. It's my first weekend back at work (though so many kids are sick at the moment).

The things I have to do are:

  • Put away sooooo much washing
  • Vacuum
  • Dust
  • Water my plants
  • Buy a birthday present for a 5-year-olds party tomorrow
  • Begin my last university subject (yeah)
  • Put away all the new vintage knitting pattern I bought over the last two weeks (I can't knit but it's my new addiction)
  • Begin a spring cleaning plan.
  • Clean out and re-pack the garage with my brother.  This is going to be a huge job as at the moment we can't even get in!
  • Write the Band Bugle
  • Post about my 50s far outfit.

The lovely blog 50s Gal has got me inspired to clean, clean, clean!!!
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