Saturday, July 5, 2014

Menu Plan

Back from a swim
I have been menu planning all year long - I just forget to type them up - so here is lasdt weeks and this week's:

Monday: Involtini (based on Nigella Lawson's from Feast) and Salad
Tuesday: Chicken/Tempeh enchilada's
Wednesday: Grandmas for dinner
Thursday: Spiced Moroccan Lentil Soup (from the Thermomix EDC)
Friday: Chinese Chicken Wings/Tofu and "fried rice" (My Mum's recipe - will share soon)
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Pizza

Un-baked Pasta Bake

Monday: Meatloaf/Nutloaf - I have to remember to soak the nuts this time!

Carrot and Almond soup

Tuesday: Pasta Bake
Wednesday: Grandmas
Thursday: Carrot and Almond Soup - based on a Dr Gillian recipe
Friday: Burritos (meat and bean)
Saturday: Risotto (using the leftover soup as the stock - an idea I am stealing fro Nigel Slater)
Sunday: leftovers.

The first haircut

The extras I will make this week are:
  • homemade yoghurt (the first time I will try it without the sachet but still in the easy-yo)
  • Cream cheese - from the yoghurt
  • Tomato sauce - again from the EDC with tweaks
  • Cheese Puffs
  • Apricot biscuits
  • Sun dried tomato dip from the EDC (using the cream cheese I will have made)

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